“For it is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.”

― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

the santa experience


I cannot believe it, but Santa will be here soon. I am so excited for these portraits, and I hope you are too!


Tips for visiting Santa:

arrive on time

Please remember that these sessions are 5-7 minutes in length, so we will move quickly. In order to guarantee your session, please arrive on time. When you arrive, please check-in with my assistant, and then quietly wait your turn. I know your kiddos will want to run and play, but try to keep them near you and quiet, so they don't become a distraction to those being photographed. I will be photographing multiple families, in each fifteen minute slot, in the order they arrive. For example, if you are scheduled at 4:00pm, there are three other families at the same time. I will photograph you as you arrive, so you may take pictures the last five minutes of that fifteen minute slot or the first five minutes. I hope this makes sense! Basically, please don't worry- we have it all planned out and under control, and you won't wait long.

little emotions

We cannot guarantee smiles, and there might be tears. I have a few tricks to hopefully allow us to capture at least one smiling picture, though I cannot guarantee it. PLEASE know that if your child is crying, I will not force them to sit on Santa's lap, and you shouldn't, either. Stranger danger is a good thing, and we don't want them to think that they should ever have to be with a stranger if it makes them uncomfortable. If they are nervous or crying or scared, we will try different things! Please go with the flow, allow myself and my assistant to lead, and I promise I will deliver the best images possible.

mom + dad's job

My assistant, or you, will bring your kiddo(s) to Santa. Once you do that, please quickly walk away and stand quietly behind me. There might be only a few seconds before the tears start, so you exiting quickly will allow me to catch that image. If you yell for their attention or to smile, they will be looking at you instead of my camera, and that will ruin the pictures. Please stay quiet as a mouse, and let me call for their attention and direct Santa.

tidy details

Make sure your little ones don't have chipped nail polish or temporary tattoos lingering on their nails and skin.



Mom and dad should come wearing something nice but neutral just incase your little one needs you to be close for pictures.


set expectations

This is meant to be a fun time! keep expectations low. Each child has a different reaction to Santa and it's ok if we capture their real.

Don't stress

Children and babies can sense stress and it will set the wrong tone for the day. Just relax. I got this.


outfit ideas


I am so excited you will be joining Little Peach + me for this event! While the sessions are short and the Studio Wardrobe isn't available to borrow, I still want to make sure you have help with choosing outfits. I've said it a million times, but clothing choices can really make-or-break your portraits.


By now, you know I gravitate toward neutral colors. The reason being, they are classic! They don't "age" or go out of style, and they are safe. Small pops of colors will look great during these sessions. The weather is cooler, Fall is upon us, and the holidays bring richer tones.


Remember though: Santa will be wearing bright red! You don't want to compete with him, and clothing ultimately shouldn't catch your eye before the actual moment. When shopping, try to pull things that will compliment Santa and not stick out. If you choose a colored pant, then go with a neutral top, and visa-versa. You don't want kiddos wearing all color.


Colors to avoid: orange, bright pink, purple, yellow, red, bright green

Colors to try: muted darker blue, brown, gold, dark gray, hunter green


I have attached 4 different style boards, to help you get started; everything can be found at Zara. I am also including a list of links, which will take you directly to each piece. This makes it super easy to find/purchase, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! Shop soon, as these pieces might sell out fast.

little girl

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

little boy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

big girl

big boy

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

add ons


If you would like to upgrade your Santa experience to include some tangible memories there will be a sign up sheet when you arrive.



set of 25 cards


brass frame


linen folio


To view the whole range of heirloom products click the button below.

more info

the investment guide


"No matter how different a Who may appear, he will always be welcomed with holiday cheer.

— Dr. Seuss

If you have any questions about your session don't hesitate to reach out. You can either contact me below, or just send me a quick email or text.


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Luxury Omaha & Lincoln, Nebraska maternity, newborn and family photographer specializing in motherhood storytelling and custom heirloom artwork. From handmade albums to exquisite, museum-worthy frames, my passion is to serve my clients by designing artwork for them that will last generations.


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